
Review №1

Very full of options if you come regularly and browse a bit. Love the new kids play area in back. Excellent source of outdoor gear and athletic supplies.

Review №2

Well walked in, no greeting and kinda just looked at me, my daughter goes over to grab a stuffed animal and the shelf it was on falls over and hits my three year old in the face( leaving a mark) after saying something about it’s a kid store and it’s not very safe, least she moved the shelve away. There’s a lot of clutter and a lot of stuff that’s way over priced picked up a jacket and it was $20 umm not for a used coat....the rest of there’s stuff is also not great( used things need to be priced as such and maybe you’ll have more customers )

Review №3

They are very messy and cluttered they dont have a great selection. DONT DONATE HERE I gave them a bunch of stuff over 2 months ago they showed me what they were keeping I never got store credit and they were annoyed when I checked in about it dont donate here go to kid to kid to donate you get more out of it

Review №4

Great place to get new used cloth toys shoes and more for kids and babys

Review №5

Great place to go if in need of everything as far as cleats to swim wear also great prices. A bunch of Melissa and Doug items too. Pricing not to bad on somethings. Not recommended for consignment. The main woman who does the consignment is not very enjoyable, they donate alot of stuff and I end up seeing it on the shevles. Not satisfied in all around experience.

Review №6

Great place! I always find cheap clothes and toys for my kids

Review №7

Any time Im in desperate need of anything last minute for my kids I find it here! Totally recommend!!

Review №8

Tons of resale items in here. They also do consignment.

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