This used to be a good spot for ice. And I used to use it weekly. But now they raised the price to $2.25 while every other twice the ice location is still $2.00. Thats an issue for me. As a former ice machine installer/technician I am going to have to call BS on whatever reason they have for the price increase while the others stayed at $2.00 even. Also consider in other areas they give you #20lbs of ice in the bag and the cooler option while this one only does #16lb bags and #20lb cooler option. I have since stopped giving them my money and hopefully others will do the same until the drop the price back down to the $2.00 it was originally.
4 stars - clean, inexpensive ice sold in bulk or bag which is what I care about. Would have been 5 stars but it was difficult to read the point of sale screen and I saw no way to buy more than 1bulk ice at a time. I needed 120lbs so that meant swiping the credit card 6x. Maybe I misunderstood? Either way I got the ice and I’m happy.
Easy to get to. Quick, easy, and inexpensive. Go here if you need ice.