The worst place I ever been OK they took my $2500 down payment and give me a Nissan pathfinder with a lot problems and when I told them they said I have to pay 4 the repairs. They dont care Im single mother of 8 kids in home disabled child in my house and they just dont want give me my money back. They call themselves Christians dont believe that crap. OK thanks 4 read this God bless me
I bought a truck and paid cash,three months later and I still have to call and BEG for the tittle. They dont care about their customers and sell lemons worst mistake of my life,and then I got a ticket from Dallas when Ive never taken the car there so I dont know who he let use the plates before but now I have to pay for it
ABSOLUTE WORST PLACE TO PURTCHASE FROM! DO NOT GO HERE! I got a crap car that they cleaned up to look presentable, I have had to make numerous repairs to the vehicle myself! The owner is a complete jerk! He refuses to give me any of the information I need to register my vehicle! After 6 months of finacing through him he sends you to a creditor and refuses your calls, as well as the creditors! I have been unable to do anything with my vehicle for a month without getting a ticket and I am now facing going to jail because he refuses to let me have the info I need! My advise is to nit even risk it no matter what the shady f!#@r says! Not worth the headache or the fight!
I hv purchased 2 vehicles in da past & stl hv 1 :) Last yr I brought my Mom here since my 2001 Expedition is stl running (9yrz later) BAD, BAD, BAD... SHAME ON U BROTHER CHARLIE, she had the vehicle for a week & it broke down 3xz 😠 I TOTALLY AGREE WITH ALL OF THESE NEGATIVE COMMENTS, BECAUSE, He, Charlie, told me to take my Mom back with the broken down Red & Black Saturn, & the SO CALLED MECHANIC that came to help us, may I add that it was a rainy day, COULD NOT EVEN TELL US WHAT WAS WRONG WITH THE VEHICLE 😡 so I tried to drive the Saturn from Texan St all the way back to Marroquin Motors & yeah it was hell because it KEPT TURNING OFF!!!! So just a few days ago a different finance company called Her & told Her that her account was sold to them!!! LIKE REALLY, MY MOM TURNED THE SATURN IN THAT SAME WEEK & 19 months LATER, NEVER GOT A CALL FROM HIM. CHARLIE WAS NEVER THERE ONLY JIMMY, & HE ALSO WOULD HANGUP THE PHONE WHEN I WOULD CALL HIM. TODAY SHE RECIEVED A LETTER FROM THE OTHER FINANCE COMPANY DEMANDING MONEY ON A VEHICLE...... SHE TURNED IN THE FIRST WEEK BACK IN MARCH 2015!!!!!! LOST OUT ON $2000.00 & GETTING SUED...... JUST GONNA LEAVE IT UP TO GOD ☝ TO FIX THIS!!!! DONT TRUST NO 1 👎👎👎 ONLY GOD WILL ALWAYS REMAIN TRUE & FAITHFUL 2 US ALL... GOD BLESS :)
I am a very dissatisfied customer, a hole didnt pull through with a promise to fix what was wrong with the truck, now im stuck with it, shame on you marroquin, yet he claims to be a church going person,