We’ve been having issues with my daughter’s stroller base which Mike fixed once before. It worked perfect after he fixed it, but several months later one of the issues started messing up again. It’s not Mike’s fault. It’s an issue with the manufacturer of the stroller. We really can’t go without her stroller for any amount of time since it’s her only way of transportation. So to keep us from having to go through the whole spill with insurance and getting their approval before getting it fixed, Mike went above and beyond to get us a loaner base. Now they can send our base back to the manufacturer so they can figure out why it keeps messing up. This really meant a lot to me since her stroller plays such a huge role in our everyday life.
Great and fast friendly service
I’m really disappointed in the office in Easley.On dec. 9 I went in for some repairs on my chair the guy took a look at the chair and took notes on the parts needed I call them a couple of days after to see if they had news on the parts the guy didn’t even order the parts I been trying to contact them but no LUCK.This location has the worst customer service ever
If there is a way to give negative stars I would do so. I have had similar problems with this company as the other reviewers have stated. Customer Service is the absolute worst I have ever seen!! They do not return phone calls or follow up on anything. I have waited months for repairs and parts. Once when the parts finally came in all 3 of them were the wrong ones. Ordered another part that has to be fitted and after waiting 6 months I was told that they didnt think I wanted them and the order was cancelled. Put in a new order and again months have gone by with no update. My son is very sick and it is difficult to schedule and travel. We drove all the way to Easley and waited in their office for 2 hours for them to realize that they didnt have the right parts and couldnt make any repairs. They truly do not care about the customer. Unfortunately, I had to move to SC but in Atlanta the NSM was top notch!
If there was a lower number rating it would be Below- ( 0 )customer service Is awful if you need a wheelchair or any other device Do not use this company.... It took 4 months to deliver a power chair to me....
Like the previous review, we had a very bad experience trying to deal with the Easley office for an upgrade to my husbands power chair. Trina, the employee we were dealing with, was condescending, kept saying contradictory things in the same conversation, insisted we needed paperwork (prescription) that the Physical Therapist from Roger Peace said we did not need, and too many more frustrations to list in this review. I finally told her I wanted to go back to the Atlanta mobility folks who originally did my husbands chair, since I could not seem to get things to progress with them, so to forward them what paperwork they did have on our order and at that point she started to argue “don’t you want your husband to be comfortable? Don’t you want him to sit correctly?” And arguing with me over changing companies and telling me she could not forward the existing paperwork, I finally became sarcastic and told her she was right - in spite of traveling to Greenville twice (one and a half hours each direction plus time spent in the doctors office, Roger Peace, and finally to her office trying to get the paperwork she wanted resolved), plus additional days on the telephone with all parties involved (to no avail), of course I did not want my husband comfortable! The woman is not only unprofessional, she’s offensive. I will probably have to start all over again from square one because I do not think she will send the doctors evaluation or the therapist notes to the other franchise, but it will be worth going through it all again to be finished with this company! I have written very few negative reviews in my lifetime. I frequently review on Travelocity, and in many years of travel before my husband’s accident, I have never written anything but glowing reviews. I feel if folks are at least sincere and trying, they deserve kudos. However, I feel like this business is staffed with Smart Alec’s. Hopefully others have better experiences there than we did. Personally, I can’t wait to get back to Seating Mobility clinic at Shepherd Center, where we were treated with the upmost respect and felt that the seating Experts were part of our care team. I was badly mistaken trying to do it locally - somethings are worth driving a distance for. This office REALLY bugged me.
I called National Seating & Mobility in Easley,SC at the end of September about a power wheel chair that I received from the February before. The tilt aspect went out on the chair. I was told I needed a prescription from my doctor to get it fixed. I received the script on the script the first week of October and sent it to NSM. I waited to hear from them about an appt. to get the chair fixed. I got a call that said the technician would be out on Oct. 28th. He showed up a day or so early which I thought was great. Basically he looked at it and said I think it is the tilt actuator. He said that should be a warranty part. He left without saying when he might be back. I called the office and was told they did not have information yet. He came by the first week of Nov. and while removing a part one of the prongs broke off and he said he would have to take it with him because he did not have the right tools to get the broken part out. He said he did not get paid for warranty part replacements so he would look it over and change anything that he could get approval for when he did the repair. I called the office at the end of Nov. to see how the repairs were coming. I was told that they did not have approval from all insurances to do the repair. (I have 3). They emailed me a form saying that I would pay for what the insurance did not cover. I sent that back. The second week of Dec. I called the office and was told that they still did not have the approvals from all 3 insurance company. I was told it would take at least another 4-6 weeks to get approval. Then the parts would be ordered and it would take another 4-6 weeks for the repairs to be done. I was given a loaner chair in Dec. but it is no way similar to my chair. Here we are at Feb. 13 2016 and I still do not have my chair back. I have no idea when I may get it back. During the time I have been without my chair I had 30 radiation treatments for a brain tumor. I have had surgery on my leg making it difficult to walk. The loaner chair does not have features that my chair has that would have really helped me. 4+ months to get a wheelchair fixed is a ridiculous amount of time. What if I needed it on a daily basis? What if I could not walk at all? I WOULD NEVER RECOMMEND OR WILL I USE THEM AGAIN TO HAVE MY CHAIR REPAIRED. The customer service is awful. Once I agreed to pay the bill if the insurance did not pay, the repairs should have been done. I also feel like the technician wanted to pad the bill, not saying that the small wheels did not have damage, to make more money on the repair.