The best part of the store is its wide variety of outdoor gear. They carry a lot of the top names in the business. For me personally though I really cant afford them. They had two clearance racks of clothing out on the sidewalk for 20 percent off. So if you are in need of some outdoor gear this may be a good time for you to give them a try.
Absolutely wonderful place. The employees were incredibly helpful and kind. We had millions of questions and they answered them all. I ended up purchasing my Marin bike here and I love it! We also looked at some bike racks, and they let us take them out to the car and make sure they fit. One employee even came out and helped us figure out a bike rack that ended up being broken. They were the only bike shop in town that didnt try and sell me a $2000 bike the second I walked in. Awesome shop, definitely worth your business!
Everyone at the Gearage is awesome. They are always helpful and have great bike mechanics too! Along with a large variety of pretty much anything outdoors itโs a great place to find what you need.
What I like about this store is the second hand stuff in the basement. Hiking, biking, ski, and paddling stuff. You never know what youll find. They sell new and used bikes on the main floor, but I havent been as impressed with that part.
I bought my bike here and always take it there to get serviced. Staff is great and they have a lot of cool stuff to browse
Pretty sick store but u do have to search hard for good prices but they are there
Had a great experience renting a mountain bike from Gearage. Excellent customer service, perfect bike to ride to Horsetooth and through the front range to Masonville. Thoroughly enjoyed. Highly recommend!
Knowledgeable and helpful staff! And great selection of gear. Found a great deal on a winter jacket!!We were SO impressed with how the staff approaches COVID-19 restrictions. Required mandates are enforced, without being rude and in your face. We will definitely consider coming back when we have further gear needs!
This is a wonderful place to shop for new and used outdoor gear. I purchased a new bicycle and was well pleased with the service and the bike mechanics even added a water bottle cage to my new bike.
Very helpful and a little below average prices
I love the Gearage, have bought some quality items and gotten great advice from Charlie and Ryan!I one found a $4 long sleeve biking shirt and recently bought some used skis. Charlie gave me and my boyfriend a great run down and wealth of knowledge about skis, and Ryan gave us good insight into what we should look for in ski boots.
Stopped by just to check this place out and the dude was very helpful guiding me on how to shop for a mountain bike. Thrift shop of mountain goods is pretty cool, especially in the heart of old Town foco.
Best place in Nocona to gear up for the outdoors!
They have really cheap used climbing gear. I was a bit sketched out at first, but they said the people that provided it documented the age, amount of use, and method of storage, so I trusted it (after physical inspection). And if I have second thoughts, Im sure I can still justify buying 30+ ft of nylon wedding for $5!
Great selection of quality gear and good folks working there.
Nice spot. Good selection of new and used stuff. Friendly staff.
I love this place. I have bought a lot cycling equipment there. So happy with my Kali helmet I bought a few weeks ago. The staff is great.I am going in soon for bike maintenance.I love supporting small local businesses!โฎ๏ธ
Excellent selection and price. Staff was friendly and helpful
Variety of new and used sporting products ๐
The Gearage is my first pick whenever I get outdoor gear in fort collins. They sell used gear with a return policy (and new stuff, but mostly accessories). I have found quality gear there for a fraction of the cost you will find elsewhere. They might not have exactly what youre looking for (size wise), but I always stop by every time Im close just to see what they have.
Just ok. Great idea
This is a great little store to buy and sell used outdoor gear. You can find excellent deals and good quality items. They have a wide variety of things from camping to hiking to biking to winter sports. Check them out and save some money! Friendly staff too!
Well priced, high quality outdoor gear! Very happy with my purchases today. Staff was knowledgeable and kind, love the super friendly dog!
I love going here to check out all the gear they have. I have gotten bike and ski stuff here for a few years now and I always feel like I got a good deal and saved money. The staff have always been helpful and friendly as well.
Did a remote transaction with these guys through the mail. Customer service was fantastic with excellent follow-through. Thank you!
Overdue review as I found the gearage nearly a year ago. Have made 4 purchases there now.Great and helpful staff. They listen and try to help you find what you need/want.They knew more about what I wanted in a bike than I did. They were right!
My go-to shop for affordable gear! Staff is amazing, consignment is easy peazy. Great selection of bike parts, hiking, camp gear etc.. I always find something amazing here. Do yourself a favor, visit FoCos locally owned gear shop!
Great place to find cheap gear! Definitely recommend. They might not have exactly what youre looking for but keep going back and youll find it!
I got great service. Due to the coronavirus it is hard to feel comfortable going into stores to buy things, Gearage made me feel safe. I will 100% be going back.
Whats better than having somebody sell your used gear for you?! These folks are great and I will continue to use this consignment shop. Best part is you get 10% extra if you use your credit in store.
So much more selection and inventory than one might guess from outside. The guys were helpful without being pushy. Overall a very pleasant experience.
Excellent bike rental program! If youre interested in trying out mountain biking - go here!
Great variety of used and new gear. Great prices.
I was referred to these guys by a friend and I also want to recommend this place to anyone who rides a bike. I am brand new to mountain biking and Bill was exceptional about giving me knowledge and setting me up for success to get started in the sport. He answered all my questions and was not looking to sell me on anything but rather make sure I know what I am doing and what bike would fit me best.
SPEND YOUR MONEY HERE!!!! Out of all the shops in the FoCo area this is the only one to give me (what I think) is a fair price for a repair. I went in assuming I was going to pay the standard service and the guy tells me its a simple fix. Only charges me 12 bucks AND he puts me front of the line so I can have my bike back same day! You dont find many shops with honest, friendly people very much anymore. Felt like I had been going there for years. Keep this gem alive people...go spend your money here!!
Awesome staff and even better deals! Most of the staff there that Ive experienced have a lot of in-depth knowledge about tea sports and activities that they sell products for. And they are more than willing to answer any questions.
Walked in today and I could feel this horrible vibe immediately. Everyone seemed uncomfortable. Made it really unpleasant.
Mitchell worked hard to help me find my info for a bike that was stolen so I could make an insurance claim. Excellent customer service.
I love garage! I like to get Climbing accessories and ski stuff there. Prices are really great, and if you sell items and then you get it back in store credit which is a huge plus. Itโs like REI without the buyers remorse afterwards
I love this place. I bought a Patagonia H2No jacket for $32...its amazing...Im closing in on 400 days in a row on my bike with that jacket.
Cool place with good new and used outdoor gear.
Awesome found everything at great price
Great place and even better service! consignment was incredibly easy
Ian and his crew went out of their way to help me locate some hard to find bike parts during COVID19. Thanks for getting me back on the trails!
Just bought a great bike this afternoon. $350 for a brand new Pure Fix. Its a great value and a great ride! Love this place! The service was great and friendly staff. The sweet golden retriever was an extra bonus!
This is like a thrift store for Outdoorsy people. A ton of fun stuff on here. Everything from hats to shoes, bikes to skiing
Great selection of a wide variety of outdoor gear at practical, affordable prices. Always walk out of this place feeling like I got a great deal or two. The place can get a bit cramped inside on the weekends and I wish the 24-hour return policy was twice as long but overall it is a good store.
Bought my bike from you guys in August. It was amazing and did not have any problems. Also had it tuned up and asked the bike mechanic to do what he thought might need fixed as well as snow tires installed. Bike is still going strong. I Recommend these guys to anybody new in town that needs a reliable ride!
Love this place!! Some amazing deals on outdoor gear and a really cool vibe! Definitely worth a trip if youโre looking for ski gear and backpacking supplies!
They have a great selection of used gear at great prices. They were very helpful in getting me set up with a new bike I had brought in for work.
Very easy to rent a bike over the phone. The man who helped me, Bill, was extremely polite and courteous through the entire process. Highly recommend as this place values customer service!
Best place ever!
Solid store that does their research about what they have. This is good, but also bad because they know what they are talking about when you ask them a question, but that also means that you wont find ridiculously low prices due to them knowing what they have.
Ethan went above and beyond for me!! Got a sick North face jacket for $10 ...great prices and amazing service! Definitely a 5 star bike shop!
The Gearage has a great concept and good deals, but every time I come in, I am consistently ignored by the employees. I have never been greeted nor asked if I need help the five or so times I have come in. In fact, sometimes when I have made purchases I feel as though I am annoying the employees. What bothers me the most is that I have seen them engage with other customers and I wonder if I am ignored because I am a college age female, despite the fact that I purchase things just as any other customers do. Ultimately, I would love to patronize this store more often and recommend it to others if the customer service was improved.
Great used gear shop. They have a lot of stuff! I got a hiking pole and mountain biking shorts here for a great price.
Lots of stuff, much of it reasonable priced because used. But much with lots of life left. Ppl get rid of good stuff so we can give it a second life!
All kinds of great outdoors stuff. I love stopping by here any time I am in Old Town.
Great customer service, clean, good product and easy to do consignment with. Keep up the great work!
Very helpful and great deals. I will be coming back for all my future out door gear and needs.
Awesome store! Was able to find a lot of cool items at great prices. The staff was super friendly and helpful
The people here were so kind and helpful as my husband and I blundered our way through purchasing used climbing gear for the first time. We saved a lot of money, and now we love climbing! They have tons of hear for camping, biking, and working out too. Save yourself some money and visit here.
A great place to find used gear in good condition, and helping the environment by not buying new!
Really nice and helpful staff, theyve become my go to with bike questions, repairs or parts. Will fix your bike or give you advice if youre a DIY person like myself.
All the new and pre owned gear youll ever need.
My favorite store in old town, hands down. I always find awesome gear. Staff is awesome.
Helpful staff! Tons of great stuff! Will be a long time customer.
Great place for used and new gear, if you going to try out a new sport stop here first.
New and consignment gear. Only true gear shop in old town
I called and reserved a 3 day paddle board rental. i picked up the boards without much issue. When I made it to the lake, I found that they where missing the middle fin. Which, I have found is essential in trying to propel the boards in a straight line. ( Ive been boarding for 10 years, oceans, rivers, lakes, etc.) when I called about the missing fins, they said that you dont need them. I had 4 relatives with e, that have ever padded before. So giving them the best experience possible was of utmost importance. They where unable to control the boards. I was only given one fin, and swapped it to the board they where using, with extremely noticeable difference. When I returned one of the boards the young lady was sorry and offered me half price rental. She was really easy to work with. I wish she owned the store. She treated me as a business should. When I went to return the boards. What I was guessing was the owner, told me I didnt need the fins. He was rude, and Im sure I wasnt nice either, because he was basically telling me I was full of $hit. When I dropped them off, I would have recommend the place to others, after his comments, I wouldnt recommend them to anyone! I only gave 2 stars, because the young lady was so respectful.
Funky store, great deals, mostly used/ refurbished outdoor gear, some new as well, helpful staff
These guys have just redefined customer service for me! I just bought a bike lock because I forgot mine at home and the gentleman behind the counter went so far as to set my combination for me without even asking! I was running a little bit late so just that little step he took made it so that way I wasnt late! Thank you so much guys!!
Not good, i bought some bike parts from them and asked if they could help me put them on real quick and they said i could use the side walk out front, but atleast they did loan me the tools to do ut myself( i think they thought i was homeless or something and jus wanted me out there shop, idk)
This place has some great gear. However, I was surprised that no one greeted me or asked if I needed any help with the bikes on my recent trip to the gearage. Decided to purchase a bike somewhere else.(Update: I was in on Wednesday August 9th at 6pm)
Plenty of deals here, I frequent the joint. Go in with a good attitude and the guys here will take good care of you.
These folks Really saved my bacon. Had exactly what I needed at a third of the price a new item would cost. Highly recommend them.
Service was personable and helpful. Nice selection of shirts, very pleased with the prices.
Really friendly and helpful staff. My coworker recommended them and I will continue to recommend!
They have some great quality items for sale.
Lots of used gear, for pretty good prices. Tons of hiking, camping, backpacking, biking, and ski gear to choose from. However, I would note that if youre looking for shoes anywhere between sizes m10 and m13, you may not find anything.
Great selection of rental bikes at decent prices. Friendly and knowledgable staff
Great selection of anything you want for the outdoors at great prices!
Great place to get new or used outdoor gear at rock bottom prices!
Staff is nice and knowledgeable. I will often swing by to look at what is in stock or talk with those working about gear and possible trips.
Had a large variety of used gear. I was looking for used cycling clothes and bike parts and did not leave disappointed. Pack a good amount into a mid sized space
Great prices on top notch gear used and new
Knowledgeable Staff: Great team, amazing variety and good consignment terms. I love consigning with Gearage.
I wouldnt go anywhere else in town. Prices and service are too good. Sold everything Ive ever consigned at Gearage!
Friendly and helpful staff assisted me with a twisted tire tube!
Rude staff! Walked in the door and was told if I didnโt know what I was buying then I needed to leave.
Seems to have gone downhill ever since they moved downtown. Ive pretty much struck out in all my recent attempts to find what Im looking for at even a partially reasonable price
Prices seem really high. People friendly enough.
Awesome stuff, Great environment.
Great staff and you can always find a good deal on a wide selection of gear and clothing.
Lots of great lightly used bike clothing. Unfortunately when I visited there was not much for used bike commuter parts (racks, fenders, water-proof paniers)
Great rental!