Derek and Simon are always very helpful to the fullest extent although they may seem to be busy at the given moment.
Modern-day discrimination is alive and well at Trane Supply in Spotsylvania... Though Im sure they are not the only ones in the HVAC industry to confidently look a customer in the face and say essentially we dont serve your kind here I tried to buy a replacement fuse for my Trane HV AC system. With money in hand and a confirmation that they sell the part I was told I cant sell it to you because youre not a contractor. So Trane Supply is either forcing you to pay the $100 assessment fee from an HVAC contractor to tell you what you already know, or telling you to go order it online and wait the three to five days for the part to come in for something they have nearly steps away for sale but refused to sell it to someone like me. So thank you very much Trane Supply for making myself and my family suffer through 80 degree days and nights for the next week waiting on a part to come in that you could have sold me this morning. Im a big fan of buy local... But much to my surprise when you come across a company whos core belief is buy local if youre the right kind of person or send you to the internet and wait for it if youre not... Despicable business practices! You can be sure that everyone I talked to will hear about a company who would rather make you suffer and wait, or paying unnecessary fee, so they can discriminate against the homeowner and line the pockets of their contractors!