Fantastic service and a way to be sustainable and save money. Whats more, these folks make it way to recycle your unused gear without losing money.We went in looking for a tent, and the staff here gave us all the help we needed. It very personal service. The hardest part was finding the place because Google Maps apparently hasnt figured out how parking lots work, but thats a Google maps issue. These guys are fantastic!
Great store! Helped me fix my sleeping bad and backpack. Had great, affordable wool socks, repair items, bear spray, hammocks, and will just give great advice. the store is really cool and I really enjoyed the experience
Awesome shop. Awesome people. Awesome deals. Will be back In the future for sure
This place is special! Not because they carry amazing products, which they do, are they great, but because they care about your overall experience inside the store and after the purchase. I have never been told not to make a buying decision until after I spend time researching alternatives, including items they didnt offer at the time of my visit. This kind of service deserves my business and my family will buy there every chance we get. Simply amazing!
The BEST place to buy and sell outdoor everything! The owners are incredibly kind and selling something is such a quick process. I drop it off, they put it up for sale and I just get checks in the mail! I’ve gotten so much resale value.They have a great selection of backpacks, shoes, and outdoor clothes! Worth a stop by!
What a great place! Alejandro and Michelle know their gear and also are huge adventurers. Great advocates for our area and their shop has a ton of quality inventory at solid prices. Reduce consumption - buy used when you can!
Great little shop. Highly recommend you check it out if you hike or enjoy the outdoors.
This is by far my favorite outdoor gear shop in Knoxville! If you want to get really good gear at a really good price this is the place to go, and if youre new to any outdoor activity the owners of this shop are super knowledgeable and really helpful to people who are just getting into the outdoors. I highly recommend this shop!
Love this place. The people that own it are great. They have good deals on there stuff.
Great prices and service! Very Friendly and knowledgeable. I stop in once a week to check out all their new gear!
It’s very rare to find a place as awesome as Outdoor Gear Revival in 2020. From truly great owners who are invested in making sure you have the right gear for your next adventure to helping you sell gear that you no longer need from outdoor clothes, boots, backpacks, tents sleeping bags, stoves, etc. The experience as a whole is something I look forward to every time I go to Knoxville and is a must stop if you’re in the area. When you shop at OGR:1. You MAKE money consigning gear2. You SAVE money buying secondhand3. You HELP reduce the impact on our environment by giving secondhand gear another chance. So in turn we can preserve and continue to enjoy the outdoors we love so much!And number 4 as a bonus the owners are rad and they have the coolest dog! Thank you guys once again for helping me find the right gear for my many adventures I have planned. You guys are the best! 10/10 recommend!
Great people, always looking out for the customer. Very welcoming crowd.
Extremely knowledgeable and helpful. Appreciate the genuine interest and care in seeing my backpacking needs were understood, options explained and excellent suggestions. Awesome shop to have in Knoxvolle, Smokies area!
My family and I will be visiting the Knoxville area in the next week, and coming from Arizona, I don’t own a rain jacket. I decided to jump on the interwebs in search of a mom and pop place to give my business. Alas, I think I’ve found it. I’m not normally a reviewer but as I was reading through the reviews I came across a one star review... the only one star review I might add. It was written by a mask Karen (no offense to all the nice Karen’s) named Brittany. If I could comment straight to Brittany I would. Brittany, if you’re so concerned and afraid for your life you should probably stay home and not go bumming around. In a time like this, when small businesses are reeling, go be unhappy somewhere else. I will be thrilled to visit this store a week from now and hopefully I can find something to spend my money on!🤣 and when I do, I’ll hand out another five star review!
This is confusing. The location is NOT Bearden Shopping Center. BSC contains Food City and is on the north side of Kingston Pike. This is the strip center next to Calloways and on the south side and on the back side of the building. Great shop!!!! But you do need to go to the right place.
This is a fantastic store for Knoxville. The folks that own it are extremely knowledgeable and helpful. They have a wide selection of equipment. Highly recommend you visit.
Excellent selection of outdoor gear! Outdoor gear at affordable prices. Friendly, professional staff!!
Great stuff…great people
I was thoroughly disappointed in my most recent experience at outdoor gear revival. There were multiple customers wearing their masks incorrectly, which alone is a disheartening but not entirely on the store. However, the woman running the store was also not wearing a mask. Prior to posting, this I reached out to the store directly in the hope that this was a one off incident but their lack of response after over a week indicates to me that they do not care about the safety of their customers. I am very disappointed and wont be shopping here again. If you want to go to a store taking covid precautions seriously this is not the store for you.
Great selection of camping and outdoor gear
I stopped here on my way to the Smoky Mountains from Wisconsin to pick up some last-minute gear and am so glad I did! The owners are wonderful people who truly care about their customers. They gave me super helpful advice and were excited to answer all my questions. Stopping here was one of the best parts of my trip!
Michelle and Alan were both very kind and helpful. Looking forward to using ny new (used) sleeping bag. Thanks!
Owners are extremely helpful. Very genuine and down to earth people! Highly recommend
This place is awesome. The young lady that helped me picking out a tent was well beyond anything I exspected. I only been to one other store that has this same system of used camping equipment, in NC, & their prices were about the same as new & staff was on the snotty side so I was hesitant to try another store. With that being said I’m so happy I tried another store. Not only are their prices fair but the customer service I received is 2nd to none. I will be back soon to pick out a sleeping mat, after you relocate to your new home down the street. Good luck with your move & Thankyou again.
Outdoor Gear Revival is definitely the GO-TO place for your outdoor adventures. While offering many hard to find items they also have one of the most varied selections of tents and backpacks in the area. They are trustworthy folks and will do a fantastic job of consigning your items.
Great prices, great stuff, and the owners are so kind and such good people! They were very knowledgeable and excited to talk gear and swap stories. I will definitely be coming back!!
Great concept, great variety, and great service experience. Im loving my jacket and will be back for more!
The owners are extremely knowledgeable and more importantly, actually desire to share their wealth of knowledge with anyone who stops in! They have great tips and recommendations, and are genuinely kind people. All gear is sold at honestly unbeatable prices and is of high quality, if you are anywhere within radius of this shop, this should be the first stop on any gear hunt!
Great store and great people! OGR is the place for deals and gear. I got some clothes and a 2p tent that was in mint condition! Also the service here at the store was amazing. Definitely planning on going again and maybe dropping off some of my own gear to have it sold.
Great place good people u nead to check this place out
Its a great place for the outdoors community. If you enjoy outdoor activities then like the rest of us have gear that you want and gear you want to get rid of, thats where Outdoor Gear Revival comes in. They give you a place to sell your gear and a place to buy gentle used gear at a price that doesnt break the bank.
Great place to look for used equipment
What a great store and concept. The folks who own are outdoor enthusiasts and you can tell. Really good quality inventory for outdoor clothing and gear. They have gear ranging from clothing, shoes, camping, hiking, climbing and more. All of the big brands and everything I saw was in really good shape - no junk or heavily used items. They have adult and children’s stuff too - awesome way to buy for my kids who continually outgrow everything after only wearing a few times. Prices really reasonable and the longer inventory sits the cheaper it gets. I’ve already bought a few things and consigned a few with them - tired of trying to sell on Craigslist and FB. Check them out!
Great place for 2nd hand equipment. Very nice folks running the place.
Very friendly and knowledgeable
Super friendly and knowledgeable staff. Inventory is in great shape, great quality items and good variety/quantity.
Knowledgeable staff, superior customer service!!!Buy local!!!
Great customer support
Neat little place!!!