Great collection of outdoor gear. Prices are reasonable. Staff is friendly and knowledgeable.
Helpful and friendly service. He took the time to explain what we needed without over-selling. He helped us find everything we needed and we left satisfied. Clean store, well organized.
In a world where customer service seems to get forgotten... 365 comes through with flying colors. I called with a request to have some tires changed. In a flash Al had me in there, and in no time at all they got everything done and exceeded my expectations!! Price was incredible, and the service is top notch!! Thanks Al and Ed!! Im setup and will be back for sure!!
This place does great work, and gets things done quickly. Highly recommended!
Most things were full retail pricing, didnt find any deals on boots or jackets
The day I stopped in my family was on a road trip. I hit four other places that sold snowmobile gear on our four hour drive. This was the only place that had exactly what I was looking for because of the large selection. I also purchased a sweet jacket on a clearance rack. He sold me the item $25 cheaper than any other place or online. The dude was super friendly and I would go back in a heartbeat. Thanks again for the A-1 service!!
Friendly, knowledge staff and great prices
Owner was extremely helpful and had exactly what we needed.
Great service and price.
Great selection of top brands. Outstanding service as always.
Really good prices, especially for a specialty store. I had bought a cheaper Walmart helmet for $75 then ended up finding a much nicer, stylish and way better quality helmet for $30 on sale marked down from $110!! Also found durable and stylish leather gloves for $10-15. Definitely cant beat those prices and the staff were very friendly and helpful. I will definitely be a repeat customer!!
This place has the best prices on anything I’ve looked for or needed for all our Motorsport needs. We buy all our helmets, gear and parts here. It’s a little gem of a place just off Highway 51 by the Merrill truck stop. Well worth a visit even if you’re not in the market for anything. I can say you probably won’t leave empty handed!! Jim and Brian are very knowledgeable about the products and I appreciate Jim’s dedication to carrying on Dave’s business while adding his own flare to include sign making and wraps for sleds or whatever you desire. Well done!! We’ll definitely be back!!
Knowledgeable staff. Large selection of clothing, gear, parts and just about everything in between. Wanted an item that wasnt in stock, they ordered it and I had it in within 2 days. I havent used this service however they now offer a service center for all your equipment needs...highly recommend this business.
Great place! Very nice selection of bibs, jackets, and everything snowmobiling.
Great service! Fast special orders. Thanks
These guys rock because theyre not so biased on brands. They give every product a chance to shine, great at giving you the best bang for the buck.
Found a coat. Bought a coat. Love the coat.I dont think prices are much different than anywhere else but it’s the little things .. as I was trying on coats I kept noticing a lump in the pockets. Figured it was like the paper smashed into shoes at the shoe store, toss it when you get home. When I was strutting around lookin cool for the mirror I realized it must be the bag the coat was shipped in. That’s pretty cool because when you spend the money on quality gear you do what you can to make it last. So when it’s hanging in the basement all summer it’s not collecting dust and who knows what else.. because it’s in a bag.This is my first purpose bought jacket so that could be standard procedure but I bet not. They sell a lot of jackets so that’s extra work... No, I’m not more excited about the bag then the jacket.
Very helpful staff. Discounts on most items, could do with more stock of kids boots and chest armour. Could spend a long time in this store!
Love this place! They are always very nice and helpful! Have a great selection of parts and their prices are second to none!
Very helpful and friendly staff good prices good selection.
Very friendly, knowledgeable and they have a large selection to choose from. I would recommend this place to anyone I know.
These folks are friendly, knowledgeable,proffessional,and to top it off they have very good pricing,check em out,support local
Good deals and always willing to go tyhe extra mile to help you out! Highly recommend!
Nice customer service and reasonable prices.
Top quality products and Very knowledgeable staff. No sales pressure but always there to answers questions.We WILL be back!!!
Knowledgable staff well stocked for parts good selections
Great sale going on. Very friendly and helpful staff. :)
Love this place!!! Very friendly & knowledgeable.
Awesome people and fair prices
Excellent Power Sport shop, very accommodating, great inventory
The store is very clean and updated. The owner is super helpful and friendly.
Great people, kind, friendly,helpful,large selection of clothing,and gear.
Nice...helpful, professional. Go out of their way to help.
Very knowledgeable and outstanding prices...
Great people and good prices! I buy alot from Jim.
Always friendly, helpful & knowledge!
Pleasant and hav parts in stock
Always helpful and full of knowledge!
Great deal on #Klim gear!
Great place nice people
Nice little business.
Always a good experience. Very knowledgeable and helpful staff!
Need parts.
Busy when the trails are open but they get what you need.
Excellent service!
Very helpfull
Very informative and helpful
Great selection
Great place