I came here to print on sticker paper and I was going to have to buy a whole pack because they didn’t have any sticker paper to print on which would’ve been fine if they actually cooperated with me. I have come here many times before to print from google docs and they always tell me to send it as is and then they tell me to sign in on their computer and then they print it. That’s how it always was but today an older lady and younger man told me I couldn’t do it that way. I was confused to why I couldn’t because I told them I had come here many times with various employees and they all told me to log in then after we were done printing I would sign out. The man was being much nicer than the older lady. She seemed more like it was just her way or no way. At some points they just left us there waiting for a few minutes while they talked. We waited there for a few minutes before being helped and then when we were being helped it seemed like she got frustrated and left to do other work while we waited there.