Ryan is the best! Great service! Only Lil complaint. Maintain inventory numbers correctly. Dont sell what you dont have. My overall experience is excellent!
Great place for contractors. You can get most lumber and building supplies there. If they dont have what you want theyll send you somewhere where you can get it. They are a one stop for everything in home improvement, Diy, and building
Great company, those boys up front really know their stuff. Willing to go the extra mile for the customer as well.
Will definitely use again for future projects!!! The staff is professional, knowledgeable, punctual and hard-working. Ultimately, its all about customer service and youre in very good hands with this company.
Order was not delivered as stated when placed. When asked to compensate the customer for the order being a week late. Owner J Gaster, began finger pointing andblamed the shipping company. He was only ask to provide two tubes of caulk for the late order. Gave another excuse. Customer service is not a priority. Flash back 7yrs and it makes sense.
Dear Mr. Gaster, I am so very proud of you for taking a solid stand against Resident Obama in a language that he most definitely understands. I wish I could extend some business to your establishment from way out in California. I am the son of Mexican immigrants who came to this country precisely to work hard just as you have. The last I checked, Mexico, too, had roads and bridges. China has roads and bridges. Notice, however, that people flock to America? Thats because we offer what no other can (to the degree that we still can...)....OPPORTUNITY!!! Thats what Obama, China, Mexico and all the third world countries dont see. The irony is that China is creating wealth because they are starting to see the light, I suppose. I very sincerely hope that the residents of Savannah see your patriotism and support you like never before!!! Thank you so much. You are a model citizen and my children will see the articles about you the moment I get home from work.
Service was terrible. Had to wait an hour and a half for an order to be picked and staff was extremely rude.
Great place. They have a wide variety of stuff to choose between. Great staff that are very helpful. They even carried the plywood to the truck.
Best product knowledge of staff. They know what I need before I can finish describing it! Wonderful company!! Strongly recommend using Gaster!!
Separate an individual from society, and give him an island or a continent to possess, and he cannot acquire personal property. He cannot be rich. So inseparably are the means connected with the end, in all cases, that where the former do not exist the latter cannot be obtained. All accumulation, therefore, of personal property, beyond what a mans own hands produce, is derived to him by living in society; and he owes on every principle of justice, of gratitude, and of civilization, a part of that accumulation back again to society from whence the whole came. - Thomas Paine
I would highly recommend no one shop at this business since it is located on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere. There is a river without a bridge and you need to swim to get from the parking lot. Its also one of those Amish hardware/ lumber stores that doesnt have infrastructured electricity or plumbing so I you gotta poo head to the outhouse in the back. Good news is no one here went to school so you can barter pigs and shoes for a great truckload full of goods!
If this company has the sign out front thats on the internet for real, I do not think it shows bad business taste, it shows they worked hard for what they have and they do not like someone of the presidents statute to stand there and take that feeling of achievement away from them. Or putting into the minds of those that do not know them, making them think they did not get to where they are or have what they have from hard work, that it was given to them.
Thanks for expressing what so many know; Government is out of control. This administration exhibits nothing but contempt for hard working taxpayers.The sooner ANYONE but Obama is in the White house the better off well be as a nation.
I havent used this guy but it really doesnt help when people use a space thats meant for rating a company by their services to hammer them on their political beliefs.... he owns a sign... and put his opinion on his sign.... he owns the company... he has that right.... so can somebody please leave something about the lumber he sells and not his political views.
Red, White & Blue. God Bless the USA. I compliment you Mr Gaster on the posting of this banner outside of your business. Friends, family have circulated the Fox News report & support you.Quin ChandlerTexas
Ms. Ruby and Great Customer Service go hand in hand!...Patrick in Delivery is the best in the business....Get your building materials from Gastor!....tp
Good for you. You are a true American and God Bless you and your family. All the best.
Mr. Gaster,Thanks for displaying the sentiments of every real American that has started a business. Barry Soetoros words were a slap in the face of all hard working Americans and the fools who were cheering are just examples of festering corruption that our illegal president desires for all America. Give me Liberty or give me death!
William D Brown, how in the world do you get this as racist ... My son is in the military and sent me the link... your logic and thoughts are totally flawed. I own a small computer company that employs 7 people, they all have insurance, cell phones, good vacation…. and make good money... I realize Al Gore invented the internet and I owe everything to him. But my brain allowed me to look outside the box and see opportunities... JUMP OUT SIDE THE BOX!
Quick delivery time. Easy to work with.
Good one on one helpAnd has good deliveries
If this is the company with the sign out front, I LOVE IT! Currently, we have free speech in this country.
Political views aside, this is petty garbage. You just jumped on the politician band wagon. Attack and twist everything. And then to reply with profanity on a banner. It shows the incredible lack of integrity that this business owner has. What an embarrassement.
Excellent service! This is the best hardware store in the area.
Ive never shopped at this place and have no idea what kind of service this guy gives. If you have something negitive to say put it on the facebook, dont look up a guys business and try to hurt it. Lord knows Obama is hurting it enough with taxes, OSHA,EPA and ACA crap as it is. I would shop there just because of his sign. If the service or quality were good or bad I would post a review about it. If you find his sign distastefull, dont go there.BTW Obama was never my commander, hes my employee and is doing a crappy job.
I only wish I lived down there. I would buy everything from you. Thank you for being a patriot and voicing your opinion about our illustrious idiot Obama. You sir are what this country is made of.
Excellent! Proud of you for standing up!! Semper Fi
Mr Gaster if the Home Depot or Lows decides to open up across the street from your business Im sure you will be fighting the opening of a large box lumber and hardware store using the many government resources available to you.
Awesome place to get what u need
Hello from Germany,I do love your sign.
Ruby is great! Prices are too!
Mr. Gaster, you are a hero and a national treasure! Thank you for taking a stand. At my house we all go to work everyday to earn our living and Ill be damned if the government did that for us!!
Extremely unhelpful and rude. I will not ever consider shopping here again.
Outstanding!!!Dick MartinCamp Stone, Afghanistan
Veterans friendly 🇺🇸
G a s t e r b l a s t e r
Very Bad service regardless whom you voted for!
Great price
Way, way overpriced.
This man is simply using free speech people, dont you get it? For you HATERS, get a life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very good