Ive never had better food in my entire life.
The vibes of this place are insane, but the staff are so incredibly friendly! The food is generally pretty good; highly recommend!
Its old an a bit run down. Rooms are very small.
They serve got garlic bread that will melt your body.
Better than Northside, but I still think its a toss up btw Redstone and the Grundle
This place really doesnt have the best food. But it doesnt have the worst food either, the menu cycles through limited options. Also really no good options available for Vegans.
Hands downs best dining hall, if you like your garlic bread being a literal grease sponge this is your place.Late night dining? Yes please. Those chicken nuggers got me spending my monday nights on the john but why do I keep coming back?10/10
The most consistently mediocre place I’ve ever come across, this haus of fine noodles and sauces of various consistencies and flavors has never let me down (mainly because my expectations were so low to begin with). It has been there for me in times of need. Mondays-Wednesdays at 12am when all hope was lost and my quest for nourishment after a session of herbal based remedy rendered me desperate and alone, it was there. In the middle of an emotional breakdown during finals week when I needed a place to stress eat and shed a single tear without feeling an ounce of shame, it was there. Regardless of much of a mess you are, this fine hall will always be there for you. Come rain or shine. Heraclitus once said, “the only constant is change,” but I like to think that the only constant is our beloved grundle: a reliable and nurturing establishment.The grundle and I had a rocky beginning. My first impression of the dining hall located mere feet from my dorm room could probably be summed up in two words: desolate wasteland. Looking out onto a vast sea of nothingness, I felt a pit of despair form in my already empty and growling stomach. I hated the grudle and I was sure that the grundle hated me, as the suspicious looking eggs that I made my breakfast seemed to be waging war on my small intestine. Within the first week of exposure to grundle food, my genome underwent such a high level of mutation, scientists would later question me asking if I’d been subjected to radioactive waste. That was my first impression of the grundle. But as Franz Kafka wisely pointed out, “first impressions are always unreliable.” I soon came to know the grundle as a constant source of nourishment, and regardless of the quality of the nourishment, I was ever so grateful. Regardless of time of day, the grundle welcomed me with a slightly above average selection of toppings for my salad, a variety of cereal, and at least one healthy option present at the pea pod. And on the days where I was feeling a little naughty and wanted to indulge in some fries or was just really craving some nugs, the grundle was ready to provide. I’ve tried seeing other dining halls for a while, and found that absence does make the heart grow fonder. Unlike CCRH, with their varying qualities of meals, overcrowded atmosphere, and inconvenient feeding times, the grundle is consistent and reliable. Unlike simpson, a place that frankly just has a weird vibe and never has ice cream, the grundle is warm, welcoming, and overflowing with ice cream of the highest standard. Unlike North-actually I can’t speak to the quality of north, but the mere thought of trekking through the Burlington tundra to frickin Siberia, for food in a place that may or may not actually exists, terrifies me. And I have never felt this level of terror in the grundle. I am grateful, ladies and gentlemen, for the presence of this humble dining hall in my life. I am grateful for the good days: thai night with your best friend as you both happily slurp down noodles coated in peanut goodness and munch on the delicate little eggrolls they provided. I am grateful for the bad days: those 12:14 am late night grundle depression meals of rice krispies with chocolate milk because the 2 percent milk machine is empty but you’re too proud to drink skim. I am grateful for all the days in between. Dining at the grundle has certainly been interesting, but I am grateful for the fine establishment of the Harris-Millis Dining Hall. So thank you grundle, for all that you are and all that you aren’t, thank you.
I had violent diarrhea immediately after licking the soft serve machine nozzle.
The Grundle is a multistage stomachular capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 plate test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the door. The eating speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal: bodeboop. A single plate should be completed every time you hear this sound: ding. Remember to line up in a straight line and eat as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a plate before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark. Get ready!… Start. ding
They call it the grundle for a reason
Awesome food! And plenty of it!
Brings me back to them bright college days
Its a nice place. confusing but its what you expect
Not as good as cook dining hall but the Grundle is a good place to eat in the winter when its too cold and live on athletic
This one is particularly quiet and tidy.
They have food. Pizza, salad, and sometimes a couple other things. Typical college food. Its the grundle.
Good food and lovely hostess!
Best dining at UVM. Change my mind
You might get stuck in this dorm but you will make a lot of friends. First bong rips.
Grundle is love, Grundle is life.
Tbh my best friend tho
Go to the Grundle for the best food in Burlington
The pizza wasn’t good and they ran out of chicken nuggets.
Only got a 6.5 on the grand tour
Its The Grundle
Love brother
Grundle as heck
All hail the grund
My god their food
Issa meme