Greg, a college student working there, was extremely helpful. I came in looking for a hiking backpack and he came over and fitted me for one, and had a lot of insight on the different brands as well as the 46 high peaks which Im staring soon. Great experience.
Good store with a wide variety of outdoor gear and clothing. Carries name brands and high end gear for the outdoor enthusiasts.
Looking for 2- osprey jet 12 daypacks. Osprey Website says they are an official dealer. When I asked the young women rudely looked and me and told me they do not sell kids stuff there. I explained what I was looking for Even with make and model she told me she could look in the back and ask someone else. Was then told that osprey does not make anything like that. So much for offical dealer that knows what they are doing.To bad they lost a sale. Maybe next time they see a family walk in looking around they will not jump to the conclusion people dont know what they are looking for.
Meh. Terrible customer service, adequate only gear selection (nothing outstanding, the EMS house-label stuff is cheaply made and shoddily designed)...not great, but for the area it is the best you are going to do unless you do straight up Internet shopping.