Even with credit card transactions they make you go in and let them know how much you want before pumping gas.
The single worst gas station in the area. It has absolutely no pressure feeding any of the gas lines and it took ≈ 15 minutes to fill up a 16 gallon tank with premium gas.
There carwash is excellent and the service there is excellent I will keep on using there carwash
Great car wash with hand towel dry.
Disgusting service!It takes centuries to fill a tank!!!
I was just denied service and made to leave this gas station by a very rude female cashier.I advised her that l could not wear a mask due to medical conditions. She stated that she didn’t care and that l had to put on a mask or leave.I have witnesses and will be following up on this.
Wrong price showing on Google map
Free air is very generous.
Excellent hands on car was and very good price.
Reg $3.09 .9 sil $3.49 .9 ult $3.89 .9 - with car wash $2.89 .9
Free air. Praise the lord.
Thanks for free air self service
Two words: Free Air. Its nothing special inside but I always go in to get a pop since they have the free air here.
What is the stupid cashier work at this gas station, very rude, zero tolerance.
Car wash is a joke, just like owner Bob
The guy thinks he is funny with his sarcasm,he was more then rude,just plain a-hole......
Things are expensive there, and the cashier is rude