Price scam. They charge you credit price when you pay with cash. You have to ask for a gift card to get the cash price. Always look at the price on the gauge to see what they charge you. I have submitted a compliment with the attorney general office and the better business bureau. For this one and the one on rolling Brook.
The manager made me drink a milk I’d already paid for because he thought it might be bad since he said it had been in the heat, BEFORE giving me my refund! He wanted ME to check if it was bad!!! And today there was no wet floor sign by the drinks and when I slipped and fell on my knee (while 12 weeks pregnant!) the lady there just said “Be careful”.... Never returning!!!
Its pathetic that anyone in this country can get away with treating me or anyone with such disrespect and rude ungrateful attitude. OMG! they treat me like they hate my guts, hate serving me, would just as soon shoot me, as look at me....... while they take my money! makes me sick. especially the overnight guy. if youre an american female, my suggestion would be to go to another store
Sick if the rude attitude I get from the hispanic store clerk. Lady it is your job to make sure customers get what they need wjen they need it and if they have questions it is tiur job to answer those questions without attitude!!!Show some courtesy ans respect.Your jon is simple and easy amd you thankful you even have a job!!!!!Loose the bullsbit attitude that you seem to have towards woman. DIDNT SEE YOU BEING RUDE TO THE MEN. Unbelievable!!!!!And please get rid if the nasty smell in your place of business!! It is disgusting!
I cant put zero stars on here but this place is negative a thousand. My husband and i had stopped in here on our way home from the hospital to look at their selection of sports team hats and flat bills. Within a 10 minute time frame we were locked inside the store by another employee because my husband asked if they had a bigger mirror he could try the hats on in and if they would allow him to use the restroom mirror and they could hold onto his wallet as a way to let them know he wasnt going to steal them. We were then locked inside while the employee accused me of stealing a hat and accused him of doing so also. And threatened that his manager was calling the police if we didnt leave now. I had asked for the store number or corporations number to call them about the issue and was denied and crudely told to leave his store because our business wasnt wanted. I cannot believe the way a person can treat another just because they judge you on whatever the hell we did to make them think that we were doing something like this. But i got to keep my 300$ i was willing to spend.
Food is legit