My new favorite place to purchase handbags. A great collection to choose from and theyre lined with colorful fabrics that match the purse and make it easier to find your stuff inside them. They have lots of other fun gift ideas as well.
I LOVE the products, but the hours really need to be more reliable. I have gone to this shop 4 times total and only once was it actually open. (I do check the hours on Google and the Facebook page to make sure its open before going).
This is such a beautiful and fun place! I love this shop so much💕
Love this darling store lots of fun choices and the owner is the best
This is one of my favorite stores! The products are amazing and unique, the store is adorable, and the owner is the sweetest person ever!Its a wonderful place to get gifts or products to pamper yourself.
Love the natural lotion! The whole store is adorable!!!