Do not use your credit cards or debit cards at this deli. Your card will be compromised. Customers that has been already been to this store. Please check your transactions on the statement. They repeat your transaction on the next day adding few extra cents to it. This is insane. We will be going to cops on them. Be aware of this store. This is serious. No joke. If you read this, I advise you, go check your card statements. They did this twice to us. That’s when we started realizing this wasn’t us.
The Aunty at the store is extremely rude and mean! I was a paying customer, and I am a supplier of PPE products. So I just ask the gentleman who was nice and listened to what I had to say. But the Indian Aunty was extremely rude and kicked me out of the store! Please don’t be rude to your customers. I am a businessman, I always respect have respect for $1.00 to $100,000 customer. But she was extremely rude and mean! I’m not saying don’t give them business, but she needs to fix her attitude. Or else she will loose very loyal Customer.
Two words: RACIAL PROFILING ...thanks to the young guy working the afternoon shift, with the designer labels on. I visit here often, usually during work hours, but today I was dressed in what you would call urban wear, which was enough for this gentleman to follow me around the store. When I address what he was doing he quickly stepped away, too late buddy your ignorance has been identified.
I love it