As well stocked as the nursery down the street and much less expensive.
Love getting our veggies and herbs garden up and growing!
I had a wonderful experience!! There was a young man named Andrew who was the clerk that helped me. He was extremely helpful and very polite. Very well mannered and courteous.
Good people and prices
Clerks were helpful. Wish they had more varieties.
Lots of gardening supplies in stock. Needed cactus soil and they has a couple of hundred bags available.
The lady (Sandi) in garden is super nice and friendly. She was so helpful and personable. You need more employees like her!
Awesome I got what I need, this person I did get his name, help me very happy, choosing the right staff for my front yard
Had what I needed
A good selection of garden tools and price range to match.
I love Home Depot! Everyone is friendly, and if I were looking for an job, it would be here
Eight days before Christmas they made dreams come true they gave us a tree for free! Happy tears from my daughter and I. Thank you isnt enough!
Store was clean, but out of chlorine tablets
The prices are very comparable to the nursery right down the street, customer service is ok at best......wait for it.....if you can find someone the same complaint for every department, go figure
Plants all year long and if they die you can bring them back for new ones.
Every time I call they don’t know what plant I ask for so they say they don’t have it and when I go I see them there