I told Master club maker Jim Lauden I needed 2 wedges that could launch the ball high even out of the rough. As usual he came through. I hit 40 balls yesterday out of fairly deep rough and was amazed how these 56 and 60 degree wedges with steel shafts launched the balls with ease and sat them down gently. Got two more coming with low kick point graphite. Will let you know when I get them.
Before I had clubs custom made for me at LaudenGolf my game was nothing but pure frustration. I had no control over the ball hitting shots left and right. My custom designed and fitted clubs that were built by Lauden himself to address my swing changed my game and changed my life! Thanks to Lauden and a couple of quick and easy to follow lessons along with clubs that fit me like a glove provided me with Precision Golf like I could never have hoped for previously! Now I can play competitively with my buddies and business associates and feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of a round! Thanks to LaudenGolf...I am the happiest guy on the course!
First visit wont be the last. Excellent experience!
Mr.lauden was very was very informative he showed me new techniques to make my game better on a scale of 1 to 10 I would say a 9.8
Big Jim knows his stuff when it comes to custom golf fitting and the latest tech. Hes built a few custom sets over the years for my cousin and I and we are now both lifetime fans. I recently tried out a new patent he invented call The Flight Stabilizer and if you want to keep your drives and fairway woods in the fairway then just go and talk to JIM. Trust me, its the best thing you can do to enjoy the game more. Jim is a great guy as well !
I have been pleased with his modification to my driver. It goes a little further on average but is much more accurate.
Great club maker, wealth of knowledge, reasonable prices on custom golf clubs. Highly recommend. Have had several sets of clubs from him.
Great club maker with so much experience and knowledge of clubfitting and Jim is a very nice man.👍🏌️
The best kept secret of where to get your golf game sent to the stratosphere!!!!