If you want to waste your time, courage you want to do and garbage service you want to have merkalink the first place you should access and in this they will not disappoint you, they are experts ....... greetings.
I received the first package to test the service, with certain difficulties and loss of time the package managed to arrive, I have a new package and now there are changes in the way of working and I have more complications.The service is definitely not good and its expensive !!! I do not recommend it.
I have been using Merkalink for 6 years and they have NEVER failed me. When I have had doubts, they are easy to contact by phone and by e-mail, they usually answer my question immediately and the response time by e-mail is around 24 hours, which is reasonable.
I made a purchase in the USA, Merkalink made the import and shipping process, it was adequate. Now tell me that I sent the Merkalink package through the Estafeta company two weeks ago. I have not received my package, someone can help me find a solution.