I have both purchased and put items up for consignment at this shop. Its a great business in the heart of Woodstock Village. The owner does a wonderful job seeking out unique items to sell. She was able to clean up my items and sell them for a decent price considering their branding and slight damage on them. The outdoor gear exchange upstairs is a great contrast to the finer things sold on the main level. If you stop in around the Holidays be sure to pick up a pair of hand sewn mittens the owner makes on her down time! They are super warm and comfy - and make great gifts for any member in the family.
The shop and items are beautiful and stylish and quite expensive dare you are tempted to buy. Unfortunately beware as a consignee! I expected, as in my previous experience with consignment shops, some communication from owner on the transactions as to when and if my items sold. Therefore I had to seek her out through emails and discovered my items did not sell and were donated and that she no longer had access to my items list. (Since it was via email I pulled it right up). It would have been proper business protocol to inform me so I could be made aware of impending loss of items. Turns out, when I then visited store, two of my 5 items were still on the shelves. I can only conclude then that she was not truthful about donating them and the other 3 items were sold and I was never informed or given my percentage of the sale. Very disappointed.I would hope owner realizes her mistake and keeps better “financials” and communication with her consignees. I’m hopeful she makes this right by me so I can rewrite this review with 5 stars and in turn praise her considerate business etiquette.
What a great shop! Lots of unexpected things and great quality. Landed a beautiful Burberry coat, some boots and a LV wallet. Jayne is awesome!
Nice selection of vintage clothing. Prices are high, but they have nice designer pieces.
I happened to stop in at this charming shop prior to the ski portion of our vacation and I am so glad that I did. They were having a 20% off of designer ski jackets, gloves, and more sale. I was worried Id have to spend several hundred dollars on a jacket but found a great jacket for a fraction of the price at Encore. Will definitely be back!
Jayne on eBay Sold and delivered badly damaged straw hat with cracks all over. Item not as described at all. Packaging was badly and carelessly done which didn’t take into precaution impact from stacking that caused item to be destroyed. Hat was stuffed into a box that tightly squeezed the hat in between. The item is a 1900s old straw hat which apparently is fragile from impact. Seller Jayne claimed that she will refund me but didn’t proceed and went quiet. I then have to escalate the case to PayPal.
Tons of beautiful things and an outdoor section upstairs with used skiis/gear
I purchased a vintage Burberry stroller jacket on a visit a couple of years ago. It is a favorite piece. Stop in whenever I am in Woodstock.
Honestly our favorite shop not just in Woodstock but in all of Vermont! If you are in the area you would be crazy to not go in!