This company has been repaving our neighborhood for the past couple of days. The elementary school is on the opposite side of the neighborhood. The last two mornings (while driving my son to school) Ive almost been hit by dump trucks running stop signs. I was able to read the name of the company on the truck door. The second time this happened I called the main line. The lady informed me that I would have to speak with their safety manager. I was given the information and called the safety manager.I informed the manager of my neighborhood (Christopher Farms) and the issue I had. I told him after seeing the name Virginia Paving Company on the side of both the vehicles that cut me off, that I called the company. The manager asked me what the color of the trucks were that cut me off. I told him I dont know, maybe red. I said that Ive seen 10+ trucks so I dont know. I explained that I was busy reading the name of the company, looking at the driver, and trying to catch the truck number. The manager told me that their trucks arent red, so it wasnt them. I then informed him again that I said maybe and wasnt paying attention to the color of the truck since I had the name. The manager continued to argue that it wasnt his truck because I said it was red.It was obvious this safety manager just wants to argue with people instead of doing their job!
Your driver of pickup truck #67878 is a loose cannon. He is just making up his own driving rules. Going the wrong way against traffic. He should be more respectful of others on the road.
Driver of truck 78594 was speeding on a very narrow, two way road, taking up the entire road. I was going in the opposite direction. Truck almost crushed into me, proceeded to open his windows and curse at me, with my children in the car. I contacted the safety manager for resolution.
Nice job to wrk for we be rollin, making the road better
This review is to compliment the companys heavy equipment haulers.On my ride to work today I saw two of your drivers hauling the milling crew equipment.As I have escorted for another companys drivers, I slowed down so they could make a left turn.With my experience with this other company,I fully expected them to drift into the left lane.THEY did NOT. Way to go Drivers. Pros all the way!
Nice company to work for. Good service
Awsome place to work!!!
Yy2yì>Gilford picnicking0i Unruh roving Ill
Watch out for this company on the highway the truck dropped some many rocks I thought it was raining. Now thanks to them I have a crack in my window. I want even in the same Lane as the dump truck but you could see hundreds of little rocks coming out. I doubt they will even fix it for me I have the license plate number plus the side number to the truck when the guy seen me taking the picture he tired to come in my Lane near the Newtown exit
Nice company to work for
Nice company.