They over charge you . Make sure you ask for the itemized receipt if you use a credit card. They just give you the receipt showing the total and if you have several items and they get away with it .
Excellent halal meats prepared by a super friendly staff. Love the sheeps cheese and herbs and spices. Stuffed grape leaves and shelled pistachios are always available. Oh and the olives and many to choose from!
Normally the prices are good,fresh everything fault.
Really good variety of fresh produce. Always good price. Store super organized and clean.
The grocery store is so great. You get all the fresh fruits and vegetables. Congrats
My dads childhood friend works there! Great customer service there!
I love 💘 this place, fresh fruit, vegetables, dried seeds, dairy products,pastas ...take a look you will love the market.
Always great experience
A nice place overallMeats and poultry always freshClean and the service excellent
Good Custmer Service and very kind poeple.
Nice space
Ausom middle eastern food store. Very reasonable prices
Beware this store sells expired food and drinks.
Beware when coming here I found mold on three bags of bread and some expired food in the freezer.
Very frindly, good customer service and excellent meat.
Always fresh meat, nice little store.
Very good team work
I love it
Great meat and products
Good store for halal food
Bad customer service!!! They had a very old coffee and they refused to take it back!! Horrible experience and not so professional staff!
Good place for halal
Goat meat is good.
Good place Kosher meat
Fruits and veggies are fresh
Good prices
Found everything I need.
Very clean