Great place to get a wide variety of fruits, vegetables and eggs delivered to your doorstep. Stephanie is very committed and knowledgeable. She has real goats and chickens! Knows composting and recycling (the natural way.). A must for careful cooks anywhere.
Excellent family organic farm food
The farm is absolutely wonderful. From picking your own fruits and veggies to gathering your own eggs to petting the goats and enjoying the natural beauty. The location is perfect from just about everything we wanted to see. 15-30mins at most from all the big attractions. The stawbale house was so neat and private. Would definitely be the first place I look when visiting the area again.
Seabreeze Organic Farm is a very special and wonderful place, and we are so fortunate to be able to receive their flavorful, wonderful produce each week, delivered to our home. Best choice i have made in years! Well worth it.
The fruit & produce are delivered right to my door step, fresh and delicious in a way supermarket produce is not. I cant grow my own produce & this is a wonderful alternative.
Amazing fresh produce! The fruit & vege are all carefully packed and delivered to my door and bonus flowers!! When the delivery comes, I pretty much stop what Im doing and plan out some fun dinner plans/recipes based on what I receive. They also send out great ideas in their newsletter/website. Best of all is that this is one of the last remaining San Diego organic farms. As a San Diego native who grew up seeing farms everywhere (Mission Valley, Del Mar, Rancho Santa Fe, Inland, etc) and then watched them disappear, it makes me feel good to support this last remaining hardworking local organic farm.
Seabreeze and its CSA delivery program provides the freshest, estate grown produce to its loyal customers. Affordable, fresh and consistent. Thank You so much Seabreeze :)
Fun place!