I have always enjoyed EMS.Great selection,and good products. Long time customer 🙂
This shop seems to be a true outlet store which means, as it should, items are sold at a discount because they have been discontinued or have minor damage. Decent selection of outdoor gear in this medium-size shop.
Great shoe and boot selection, tons of packs and bags, and lots of outdoor clothing and accessories. Staff is friendly and helpful!
Great store, not many left.
Excellent clothing selection and great prices .
They asked how are you when I walked in. No reply back to My answer and no one asked if they could help Me. Definitely not worth going into
Staff was super helpful when trying on many different pairs of hiking boots and shoes. They were even aware that we werent planning on buying that day and were down to give advice so that we could make a better informed decision. Its nice to have another place in town where you can go to get some real gear, but I cant help but wish that they would use this extra space to be something closer to a local REI, as opposed to just a larger version of the deals that can usually be found in their Portland store.
I recently made a visit to your South Portland Maine location. I was blown away at the experience. I visit often so I have am familiar with a few of the employees there. I was in the market for a new kayak. I found a specific one on your online store and went to the local store to check it out. I was disappointed to find that it was not in stock. The friendly employee told me the closest one was 3 hours away. I asked if it could be transferred and was told that inter store transfers on boats this time of year was not allowed. Head down I walked away.This is where the experience changed and the reason for the email. Sadie the Assistant Manager pulled into the parking lot returning from her lunch break and noticed me walking to my car. She stopped and said hello with her usual bright cheery attitude and asked how I was doing. She could tell I was bummed. I told her what was up and she without hesitation said she would go pick it up for me. What? 3 hours? She didnt flinch. I gave her my info and 3 days later I received a call stating my boat was there and ready for pick up.This unbelievable customer service is what it is all about. The attitude that both her and Nate the manager have shows and is passed down through their staff. This is the reason I shop at EMS. They always find a way to blow me away with the most amazing experience.Thank you. I thought this was above and beyond and needed to be told to people that may not know what is going on over at the South Portland Maine location. 5 stars.
Good selection of stock. Friendly people
Great store for outdoor activities gear.
Ive had great experiences with Eastern Mountain sports twice in the last month, once looking for a outdoors hat and once looking for running shoes. Their staff is knowledgeable and the return policy is great. Highly recommend them.
No customer service
Large inventory