See. Now in any other instance Id be like cool and leave it there but today the pharmacy got my meds which I was mentally in dyer need of. Luckly the the good lord i had just enough in my bank to save my own life tonight. I sometimes wonder id people in pharmacy understand how vital their job is. The job they have just saved a life. So a congratulations for them should be a order. Thank you Walgreen Pharamacy. Keep up the good work and realize every person in that line has a life they DO want to live. You are their angels.Thank you.Your Freeport citizen,Dustin
I don’t know where you find employee’s like Sarah Kleuge, but keep finding them. Sarah is always super helpful and considerate no matter which location she is working!
Decent Walgreens however I dont see why they dont open earlier like 6:30am or even 7am. Most of the school hours (middle and high school) start between 7:05 and 7:35. It would be nice to have as a nearby, quick resouce to purchase last minute items in the morning (pharmaceutical items as well).
Always love our Walgreens!!
The pharmacist was rude and obnoxious when giving her my insurance information. I am astonished at how I was treated as a new customer.
Quite possibly the slowest pharmacy on earth. If you are in any kind of hurry or simply just do not like to wait at least 30+mins just to drop off a prescription, this may not be the place for you. Review based off of many visits.
Friendly staff, overall nice place to shop.
Friendly staff, some good deals. Its difficult to navigate their parking lot.
5PM. Sunday evening. Cashier seems like she doesnt give a crap about helping. Photo department too busy shooting the crap to help a customer.
Good place and rewards
Pharmacy staff goes above and beyond to help. Thanks!!