Was told I was going to be making a certain amount of money and when I received my check it was short and nobody wanted to talk to me about fixing it, pretty crappy way of treating an employee... dont do business with these cheaters!
To Terrie WirthNorth Florida Glass & Aluminum, Inc. has no record of a Terrie Wirth being employed, present or past. If you feel you have been underpaid or treated unfairly, possibly you should address it with the company. If you were truly underpaid, wouldnt you want to straighten this out and be paid? Merely writing a malicious bad review is no way to resolve this problem, if it is in fact a legitimate issue.
Very nice from Crabtree Installation Ins. A store front installation company.
We have called several times no answer one of your drivers just caused a wreck mcDuff i-10 going West. Ran young man in black truck in barrier wall causing the truck to face ongoing traffic and your kept going.
Great work