It was kind of sketchy going here at first but I was not disappointed!! Everyone there is so helpful!! Miss Renee is a trekking specialist and helped me select a backpack, hiking boots, socks, flashlight, sleeping name it!! I even made my husband come the next day and buy all his gear here as well. It might be a small place but it has a lot to chose from. Thank you guys!!!
Good place to find off season merch. The staff is helpful and will leave you alone if you want. You want to visit here the opposite time of when you want it- Buy summer after summer, for the next summer. If you buy clothes and outdoor gear ahead, this is the place for you.
Old tired looking inventory. Almost nothing in the store. They are unsure if they will remain open.
This little outlet is definitely worth your time whether you are looking for something specific or in the area and want to browse. The prices are great, and the employees are friendly and very helpful.
Great service and price/value for inventory. Would recommend if shopping for discounts on name brand products.
Knowledgeable sales staff and deep discounts, what else could you ask for!?
Nice little mom and pop store. Shop local.
Good place to find some great deals on hiking gear
Bought a watch from Outdoors Inc for a great price on eBay as a gift. Over a week went by without any contact or the selling shipping the item. Contacted them to ask what was going on and then they cancelled the order. Unprofessional and discourteous. Do not do business with these people.
Nice place great sales people!
This place is like a treasure hunt. Dont get turned off by the prices on the items; theyre not right. More than likely theres some percentage off any item in the store. Just ask!
Great. The individuals were nice and had a great selection
It was very nice and the employers was very helpful will retur
Love the deals & the friendly, helpful & kind staff.
They have all of your outdoor needs!
Great prices on high quality clothing
Great service and selection of off season merchandise.
Great place to find name brands for less!
Great prices, helpful & friendly
Nice service and good quality
Not impressed. Discounts on only a few items.
Great deals!
Always a good deal to be found...
Low prices. Must go often if you are looking for specific items as this is a closeout location.
Actual outlet pricing and everything. 5/7 would shop again.
Great deals!
Great sales!
They close at 5:30. Not 6. Thanks Google.
Cheap stuff to wear
Amazing Customer Service, and Great Pricing!!!!!!!!!