The women who work in this store, unless your capable of possibly clearing the cobwebs. (I other words man) They cash a 2 party check from Timbuktu. If your woman. Sorry No! No! Sorrry Noooo! Even tho the Same check was cashed regularly, of course by a gentleman. Why are women so f√¢£∆¶ up to other women?
If you forget something at the big store this is a nice fill in!
A chill dude runs a store with many popular products
I like this place. Its small but they have a large selection of items. Its right across the street from the central bus station, so its perfect to get your snacks or travel items before a bus trip. For me its perfect because its just down the street from my townhome, and only a couple blocks from my RVs and art studio.There is plenty of parking in the dirt lot across the street or on the street itself.
Easy and fast to get in and out of four a soda and other things.
Quick and easy
Quick and convenient stop for me
The works there are awesome
Cool owner BE COOL