Overall, it’s pretty handy. Most of the stuff is only slightly over priced. However, I had this beef and broccoli pre made thing that u microwave and lemme tell you, it was putrid. If you had two brain cells bouncing around your head and one operational finger, you could make something better than what god awful thing they put in whatever that poison was. Worst $5 I’ve ever spent but Jesus that tasted like bootyhole
Has coffee on campus thats not Starbucks and isnt obscenely priced. Worth it for me.
The french vanilla dispencer was really good before this school year. Now, not so much. The coffee is very weak too. Theres a delicate balance between profit and quality.
This store is in a very convient location and as such its prices are slightly higher than normal. This works out if you are looking to pick something small up (a snack or basic bathroom products) but dont expect this to be a one stop shop for all your campus needs.
Selection of products
The store is completely overpriced, and it is entirely to overcharge college students that need items when on campus.
Good store but overpriced