Review №1

Отвратительный сервис. Поддержка отвечает исключительно шаблонными фразами, никакой информации не получите от них. Последние годы стабильно раз в месяц интернет шалит весь вечер. Неполадки не в состоянии исправить больше суток (раньше с вечера до утра управлялись). В период карантинов и удаленок у вас даже не будет возможности уйти в ближайшее кафе переждать с вайфаем. Монтажники видимо теперь такие же раздолбаи как и в большинстве компаний - подпивасники, еле выгнанные на смену палками. Если для вас несколько суток в год без интернета - пустяк, то эт хоум вам подойдет. Когда неполадок нет - инет стабильный и по скорости нормально все. Если вы удаленщик, обязательно проводите провайдера дублера, иначе будете периодически в бешенстве, как я сейчас. И обязательно проверяйте лк на предмет доп услуг - имеют привычку без вашего ведома подключать родительский контроль

Review №2

Быстро. Доступно. В Центре Петербурга уже много лет. Альтернативы в старом жилом фонде нет. Никаких проблем не. Всё четко

Review №3

Судя по всему, в организации очень скромный штат, со всеми вытекающими: большие очереди на прямой линии, вялая техподдержка, низкое качество услуг. А скорость — это просто «сказка». Когда-то был хорошим провайдером, но сейчас его не посоветую даже врагу. Пис

Review №4

Отличный сервис по предоставлению услуг интернета! Подключились пол года назад, была отличная акция с интернетом и телевидением за 1200 рублей на ПОЛ ГОДА! Вежливо согласовали со мной время подключения, приехали два мастера, без проблем подключили интернет, мой вайфай роутер сами настроили, я попросил ещё кабель для LAN подключения от роутера к компу, без лишних слов сразу дали необходимую мне длину, за что отдельное спасибо! За пол года проблем не возникало со стороны провайдера. Был один казус, как-то пропал у нас интернет вообще, думал мб роутер сдох, но нет. По моим догадкам, кто-то в подъезде что-то с кабелем сделал. По оперативному вызову мастера эти догадки подтвердились, в подъезде мастер быстро исправил проблему и интеренет с тех пор работает стабильно. Благодарю Эт-Хоум за вежливость в работе с клиентами и за оперативность в решении проблемы!

Review №5

Нашла через интернет, цены устроили, быстро подключили, вежливый персонал, по телефону ответили на все вопросы. Скидки приятно радуют. Пользуемся через 3 устройства все прекрасно.

Review №6

Рекомендую Эт Хоум. Качественная скорость интернета. Нет проблем с отсутствием сети. Долго подбирал оптимального провайдера. Пользуюсь пол года, ни разу не оставили без интернета!

Review №7

На Энтузиастов, если и бывали проблемы с качеством связи или её полным отсутствием, то проблему довольно оперативно решали.Пользуюсь эт-хоум уже много лет, провайдэр устраивает по большинству показателей: стабильность скорости, за доп. плату есть IP телевидение, антивирусы и много других доп. услуг.Из минусов: нет гигaбитного тaрифa, нет облака и внутреннего облачного сервис !!Рекомендую !!!!!

Review №8

Очень доволен, потому что ребята из этой компании единственные кто подключил наш дом к нормальному скоростному интернету!)) Раньше довольствовались только 10 мб и то от 4 до 6 было в среднем... А теперь от 100 до 300 есть возможность))Спасибо вам большое!

Review №9

Connected to your network in the month of July. The Internet worked stably, without any problems. On September 27, I faced such a problem that after the technical work was carried out by the provider, the Internet stopped working. When contacting the support service, employees offer to call a wizard from the provider on a paid basis. This is the first time Ive met such a terrible service. As a result, he was left without the Internet, although paid for 6 months in advance, according to their shares

Review №10

Отличный интернет и скорость! Никаких нареканий и по цене очень выгодно! Приятные акции для клиентов!РЕКОМЕНДУЮ!

Review №11

Fast, high quality, affordable !!!I have been using the At Home provider for a long time !!in connection with the move, unfortunately, this provider was not in the house and for more than half a year they used another and were shocked, they were waiting for other providers.As soon as we found out that Et Home was being connected to our house, we immediately connected to it without even thinking.We are very satisfied with the speed, the difference in tariffs, prices andof course the feedback from the operators.They always quickly resolve all issues, and problems, if any, are not even in their vein !!!!!

Review №12

The connection went quickly and comfortably - the master handed over the cable accrually, pressed it well, set up the router. They gave me a month as a gift. I will test.

Review №13

I have been using it for more than half a year. Satisfied with the quality, speed and price. Support works adequately (changed the linked mac-address). Recommended for simple everyday tasks.

Review №14

Все нравится, качество интернета, всегда идут навстречу, акции, скидки, доволен качество, спасибо Эт-хоум

Review №15

The best provider, never slows down, there were no failures on the network (unlike other networks). Big discounts are given for connecting friends. There is an annual subscription. Free deferred payment. I remember our wire was pinched somewhere at the door, so we arrived quickly and changed everything for free (by the way, the wire was from another provider previously installed)

Review №16

Thanks for the stable internet. I have been using it for 2 weeks and so far everything suits me. Operators work quickly and efficiently. Recommend

Review №17

I have been using this operator for less than a year, but I have already appreciated the quality of the services provided. A large selection of packages and the loyalty of Et Home determined my choice among Internet operators.

Review №18

I made the right choice using the services of At-Home! There were some doubts before connecting, but after talking with a specialist, they were finally dispelled. The Internet is stable, from the word flies. TV package: optimal set of channels and high quality. The connection is prompt, at the stage of which everything is polite and, most importantly, is easily explained in terms of the use of the service and payment. Zero claims, quality at 5. Support is generally a fairy tale!

Review №19

I have been using this provider for a long time. Excellent speed. Excellent communication with the operator. Quickly and efficiently!!!

Review №20

If you choose an Internet provider in St. Petersburg, then I recommend the proven provider Home Networks at Home for years! I have been using this service provider since 2008. Such important conditions as stable Internet, good speed, reasonable cost correspond to my wishes 100%. Games on the social network ONLINE fly, all sites load quickly. There are Internet interruptions, but very rarely and for a short time. I even forgot when I contacted technical support for failures, and for other questions you can always quickly call or ask a question online and get competent advice. Yes, even at At Home there is a flexible choice of bonuses and promotions. I constantly buy season tickets, its more profitable. And when bonuses under the Home Bonus program accumulate, then I use them for a discount. It turns out that I always pay for the Internet with a discount. You can also not pay a subscription fee for the Internet for the required period by activating the Vacation service. Payment for the Internet without any problems directly in your personal account on the At-Home website or through bank applications. If for some reason it is not possible to pay for the Internet on time, then you can activate the Deferred Payment service. And many more useful things. In general, everything is super!

Review №21

We have been using the services for six months. Very professional support, very quickly hooked up, literally a day after the application was left. Good quality and speed of the Internet, convenient IPTV service - you can watch it on 5 devices within one account through the Smotreshka application. Nice promotions, thanks to which you can save great money or get an extended package of services.

Review №22

The best internet. Inexpensive, does not hang,Doesnt slow down. Advise

Review №23

I have been a subscriber of Home Networks at Home for more than 10 years, several times I tried service from another provider, but came back. The Internet works practically without interruptions. Most of all, I am satisfied with the convenient conditions for blocking the Internet at the time of departure, since part of the time I am in another region. The company always tries to meet its customers halfway.

Review №24

Порядка лет 5 пользуюсь Эт-хоум,поддержка грамотная,проблемы(каких практически нет)решаются быстро,отзывчивые операторы,всегда помогут/подскажут!!!Мне нравится всё!!!Оценка 5+.....Молодцы,так держать!

Review №25

There is simply no better provider in Kolpino than At Home. And in St. Petersburg one of the best. I used it for a long time several years ago, now I again moved to a house where there are a couple of providers, I never doubted my choice for a second. Over the past six months there have been no problems

Review №26

Its good that there is EtHome, we watch movies in the evenings ... no complaints ... They quickly respond to problems and quickly solve them, but they very rarely happen ... thanks!

Review №27

Connected at home. Excellent and stable internet with record low Ping. At work, and even then not the same quality from another provider

Review №28

We connected in a few hours!The speed is very fast. I got a share of 100mb / s for 199. The master did everything quickly and efficiently.thanks a lot!

Review №29

For 3 positive reviews they give a 25% discount. Well, this is so that you understand why there are almost 5 stars.In the evening, video streams even at 160p do not pull well at times. There are freezes in which the Internet disappears 100%.There was a case when parental control turned on by itself for 50 rubles, but then I quickly noticed it and turned it off. Recently, the price for 100 Mbps has been increased to 600 rubles.

Review №30

Finally I found a provider who suited me in all respects. The speed is quite decent and is stable, even during the pandemic there were no interruptions in work.

Review №31

I have been using At Home networks for the second year. They work smoothly, the Internet does not freeze. For the average layman, just right. It is convenient to use a subscription and a flexible system of discounts.

Review №32

A good provider, I have not noticed any problems with speed in a year. The support team is very friendly and works well overall!

Review №33

Lots of cons, but lets point by point:Pros:1. Fast ONLINE support2. Relatively low pricesMinuses:1. Lack of stable speed.2. Constant ping jumps (critical for online games)3. Repeated (!) Internet disconnections (!!) on weekends (!!!) for up to 48 hours. From the words of support - technical work.4. Phone support takes patience to just get through there

Review №34

The most conscientious provider in St. Petersburg today. Excellent service, quality always meets expectations, not only in words, but in deeds. A democratic price tag for services that does not change every month! Internet speed is as stated.

Review №35

I have been using the services of this company for many years. Round-the-clock support, everything is resolved promptly. Friendly attitude. Pay attention to promotions🙂

Review №36

A good, stable operator with very high quality and responsive support! Polite masters, come in a short time. The most affordable prices in the segment and complete transparency of payment - no incomprehensible additional payments and unreasonable losses. Various promotions and discounts. Convenient tariff planner, large selection on TV. You can rent a router for free (deposit).

Review №37

In fact, a very loyal company, there was a jamb, but not even through the fault of the company, in principle, but that one was able to solve it. The speed is stable, if work is carried out - they warn. I ordered a router as a pledge - they brought it the next day. Everything suits me, and it is very scary sometimes to listen to how my colleagues at home constantly have a connection that simply does not work and the provider does not answer calls.

Review №38

I have been using Et Home services for many years, the Internet is working well. The tariffs are democratic, there are discounts and bonuses, the option of a vacation.I am a retired woman, poorly versed in technology. The work of those is important to me. support. They will always help, they will explain in an accessible way what to do. They even came for free and did everything quickly. Im glad.

Review №39

We have several providers connected to our house. One has a low speed, the other has constant Internet outages, but Et Home is what you need!No departures, the speed is consistently high, the price tag for the tariff is very low in comparison with other providers.

Review №40

We connected six months ago for a promotion for 190 rubles / month, we are very pleased with the attitude of the joint venture to the client, the overall quality of services and the speed of access are excellent! There were only a couple of outages or maintenance work during the entire period of use, but they were eliminated so quickly, so we remembered about them only now, when we write this review! Thank you for your work, we wish you to remain at your best! Your satisfied and loyal customers!

Review №41

Stable, fast internet. Discounts and promotions. Recommend!!! 🙂

Review №42

The Internet is constantly disappearing, the speed is low, even if the promises for the promotion are twice as high. You cant get through by phone, a kilometer-long queue. I called the main number, they generally sent it, hung up, like these questions to technical support and did not even answer how to get through to her. I am changing the provider. This Home is constantly infuriating.

Review №43

Great promotion from At home 6 to 199. Initially I connected for this promotion and now I am not going to stop. Excellent operators and a master, they explained everything intelligibly that she was able to connect the router herself, bought from her hands) There are no complaints about the speed, everything works well, although 3 people are actively using it.

Review №44

I connected to the provider At Home as one of those present in the house. They attracted reasonable tariff plans, the availability of subscriptions that reduce communication costs during long-term use, as well as good conditions for the promotion when connecting - six months at 199 rubles per month. for internet and IP TV on smart TV.I liked the stable quality of communication, the polite technical support available by phone at different times of the day, which really helps to quickly resolve the issues that have arisen.

Review №45

Works fine without interruption. The support team responds promptly and to the point.Also, there are bonus discounts with which you can pay for the Internet.

Review №46

An excellent provider for St. Petersburg. A great start-up promotion for new users. Stable internet. I work at the computer during the day and I know what Im talking about.

Review №47

I have been using this provider for 10 years. There are many competitors now. I thought about changing and finding a profitable provider. The same Dom-ru with a more favorable tariff !!

Review №48

I recently switched to the Internet provider At Home and am very happy. The connection is stable and of very high quality. I used to have Rostelecom and had constant communication problems, but I couldnt get through to technical support. Thanks to Et Home for coming to our house and we have the opportunity of a good connection.

Review №49

Fast, efficient and polite service. Good speed at an affordable price. Recommend! At this Home for a very long time! While happy with everything.

Review №50

The connection is intermittent and the speed is low, never once technical support for 6 months. I was not interested, but with the connection in general there was a hemorrhage, there are no normal specialists, the price is lifted, 600 kilos per month is a robbery, in general they do not need clientele. And note that 5 ☆ reviews are screwed up, no one is sitting with them for a long time, only for a promotion, then they understand that communication for this money goes nowhere and the loot is in the pipe.

Review №51

Ugly attitude towards the client. Tech support does not fulfill its responsibilities.

Review №52

I have been a client of Et Home for about 10 years and I am satisfied with the service. Interruptions in the work of the Internet, if there are, then occasionally due to accidents that are promptly eliminated. You can quickly get through to technical support (you dont have to hang out on the line for half an hour), the employees explain everything clearly. The price-quality ratio suits me completely.

Review №53

Пользуюсь услугами интернет провайдера Эт Хоум более пяти лет. За все это время в основном остались только положительные впечатления, начиная с подключения, когда я получил в подарок несколько бесплатных месяцев пользования интернетом. В дальнейшем все обещания провайдера, как по скорости, устранению неполадок, так и различным акциям выполнялись честно и в установленный срок, поэтому смело рекомендую всем своего надежного интернет провайдера – Эт Хоум.

Review №54

I have been using the Internet at EtHome since 2007, in my opinion. I am very pleased with both the speed and the price. A couple of times problems arose - they were solved very quickly.

Review №55

Worst provider of all time !!!At first everything was very tasty, 1,300 rubles for half a year of the Internet.A month later, problems began, the download speed dropped to almost zero (while YouTube and the browser are working as usual)The called master blamed us for everything, they say you have too many extensions, they lower the speed (seriously, AdBlock steals all the speed ?!)As a result, I advised to remove all browsers and install Opery (which I downloaded for 29 minutes) for 29 minutes, Karl !!Under no circumstances, under any circumstances, do not contact this office! Better to be offline at all than to use At Home, they will take your money, throw you away and never return anything

Review №56

I like everything about this provider. Quality of communication, economical rates, 90 days of free blocking and very helpful and polite staff!

Review №57

Reliable provider! Stable work of the Internet, responsive operators 👍

Review №58

Good budget internet. The support guys deserve a special mention! They will help and give useful advice, even if the problem was not with the provider.

Review №59

The client department works perfectly, any question, any problem with the Internet, if any, can be solved in no time.The provider suits, the price too. Internet speed is also good enough, but as they say, there is no limit to perfection.I recommend the provider.

Review №60

A good provider, consistently provides the declared speed. There are not so many clients, so high-quality support is always in touch.

Review №61

Good provider, it works. The internet is quite stable. Yes, there are shoals, but no more than others. Used others, then came back to this

Review №62

I like everything in this provider. Quality of communication, economical rates, 19 days of free blocking and very helpful and polite staff!

Review №63

ADVANTAGES:Stability. Nice and convenient service.LIMITATIONS:Not found in 12 monthsWe connected using a convenient program.Overall, there was only one interruption of more than 30 minutes over the 12 month period.

Review №64

С мая месяца пользуюсь услугами Эт-Хоум, всем доволен, особенно ценой.

Review №65

Great provider. I have been using it for many years. If there are any questions or difficulties, they answer quickly and quickly resolve everything

Review №66

Initially, I used another providers home Internet services. The list of possible replacements at my address is not long. A friend told me about At Home only from the positive side. After the first call, I already liked the new provider. Feedback immediately! A wide range of promotional programs for both new customers and guests. Those. support responds quickly 24/7. Connected quickly. Convenient and understandable personal account. I have been using it for 6 months! Im very happy!

Review №67

No technical support, the Internet stopped working. I called - the foreman arrived the next day in the evening, but could not get to the equipment, because he has no access. He said that there are griefs. The phone is answered kindly, but the repair time is not called at all.

Review №68

I am satisfied with the quality of services, fast Internet without interruptions (I have been using it for 1 year, I have never been), the connection is fast and the master came on time.

Review №69

I have been using the services of the company for about five years. There was never a desire to change the provider.Excellent support service (and respond quickly!), Benevolent masters, regularly tasty offers at prices (promotions, bonuses, deferred payments, and thats all that creates the feeling that you, as a client, are loved and cherished).

Review №70

A real consumer review, and not a heap of reviews from bots, which are driven straight in batches - a disgrace. You think rating boost will help you. Well, get some feedback and sign. My patience has run out!It would be possible to put the score lower - I would put it at 0. Over the past year or two, the quality of the Internet has dropped below the baseboard. It concerns mainly the Internet speedInstead of the 30MB declared under the contract, they usually issue 3-5MB / s.What is this! It was drawn, so to speak at the minimum salaries, but it got even worse - if this happens.In support the standard answer (connect directly and change the router - yeah, new to new)DO NOT CONTACT THEM! It will be more expensive for yourself. A screen of their real situation (04/25/2020) is attachedUPD: after leaving the claim, they took control of the problem, came to fix it (the problem was somewhere in the equipment located in the attic). 2 months passed. Flight of norms. Changed rating to 4

Review №71

I had to deal with this provider after moving to a new apartment. On the very first day upon arrival, I replenished the balance with the required amount of 550 rubles, the Internet appeared for exactly 1 hour, then again they began to demand to top up the balance in the amount of 600 rubles. Then I wrote in support, but no one answered me after a couple of days. After another replenishment, the Internet appeared on the 1st day. Now I have come home from work and cannot connect to the network from any device. Just super!

Review №72

Good company. Reliable, fast. Polite specialties

Review №73

On Friday, I made an application for Tuesday, at 16.00, they said in your house there is our Internet, everything is fine. On Tuesday they call at 15.50 and say, sorry there are no free ports to connect you. How to understand this home? I waited 5 days empty. Maybe you should worry about such things in the past?

Review №74

At one point, photos on the phone via a cellular connection began to download faster than through a home computer with this provider. We measured the speed, the speed is several times lower than the tariff ... they called those support, the support recognized the problem on its side and ... and thats all, the master had to come to the house the next day, then the next, and so on. ... the working week has passed (with weekends 9 days), no one did anything, the speed was cut to 8 Mbps, ostensibly for debugging ... but there is no debugging, the master did not come, they refer that they could not agree with the HOA ... although the master of the HOA is an adequate person and is on the spot all day long, it is not a problem to find her. How the subscription ends, they call, hint at an extension, lure with promotions and discounts ... how the subscription has been extended - no nafik client is needed. I asked how to get the money back - it’s impossible, because you have to go to the office, and the office is under reconstruction ... call later ... I’m in shock ... such an attitude towards clients who, since the birth of the company ... with tough competition under sideways. In general, we will give the money to another provider who is still worried about customers.

Review №75

I have been using the Internet of this company for more than 10 years and it’s just NIGHTMARE the further the worse I reboot the router 10 times a day and nothing helps it will work for an hour then again I really DO NOT UNDERSTAND where this company has such good reviews 😤🤯 the only reason why I don’t change this something that I don’t know for which one, although I understand that most of the reviews are not honest because such a problem with this company is not only mine, but operators as robots answer all questions, reboot the router, the problem is not with us, but with you, although I already and bought a new router.

Review №76

I have been using the At Home provider for about 15 years. For all this time, no complaints have arisen. The provider keeps up with the times and at any time you can choose the tariff plan that suits me! Operators are polite, they always inform about promotions that are profitable for me. I recommend the Internet provider Et Home to everyone.

Review №77

The Internet is stable and the support service is also stable. All OK.

Review №78

Good internet, polite and efficient employees. They help with all questions, there are nice bonuses - you yourself choose what to exchange them for. Quality / price ratio on the level! :)

Review №79

I have been using this provider since 2016. Connected on the advice of relatives, got on the action when connected.I have a Walk tariff, there is enough speed, the video downloads quickly. Those. support is fast and efficient. For all the time, problems arose only once (there was no Internet), the monthly fee was increased once by 30 rubles (not so critical).In general, I am satisfied with the Internet. All changes (technical work, tariff increase, payment warning) are reported.

Review №80

I used it for about 5 years, because only their network was carried out in the house. Stable lack of the Internet for 10-30 hours a month, not a prompt solution to problems.Is the equipment broken? Well, tomorrow theyll fix it during the day. The only + is a working technical support, there were no problems getting through.

Review №81

I have been using the Internet from this provider for about six months. Normal provider, everything suits. Sometimes there are failures, but quite rarely. Technical support responds quickly, there are no complaints.

Review №82

I am very glad that in the center of St. Petersburg, in old houses, you can get good Internet ... the special offer of 6 months for 190 rubles for new users is especially pleasant!

Review №83

We have been using the Internet from At Home for many years. We are satisfied. The speed is excellent, the price is normal. We are not going to change the provider yet

Review №84

An ordinary, unremarkable provider. Works fine.

Review №85

I use the services of the provider Et Home 2.008 of the eighth year. Previously, the company was called “Nienschanz Home”.I have no complaints about the quality of services. I renew the subscription annually for at least 3-6 months, as the company has shown high quality standards that are consistent with the declared ones.Pros of the “Home Home” provider:Fast and stable internetA diverse number of tariff plans and additional servicesAdequate technical support 24/7Quick response to calls, friendly serviceRegular promotions, bonuses and special offersConvenient and logically structured website at home, include a personal accountCons of Provider At Homeover the past few years, the price of basic Internet services has grown by an average of 50%, which is fully offset by various goodies and bonuses from the company, if you do not be lazy to connect them on time, use

Review №86

Good internet service provider. They are very attentive to their customers. Answers quickly by phone. All problems are resolved quickly enough.

Review №87

Пользуюсь услугами Эт Хоум с 19 года! Скоростью и условиями доволен! Проблем особых нет, несколько раз были перебои, но не критично. Могу даже посоветовать именно этого провайдера, если будет выбор. Операторы всегда на связи и если что-то происходит, то всегда помогут или разберутся с ситуацией - это большой Плюс! Рекомендую на 100%

Review №88

I have been using the services of this provider since 2011 (previously they had a different name). Before that, we tried the services of 3 competitors. We chose Et Home for high-quality work, minimal number of failures (there were only a few failures in 9 years), prompt solution and troubleshooting, competent and polite staff. I hope that Et Homes future work will certainly be no worse than it is now.

Review №89

I have been using the At Home provider for over four years. I am very pleased with the quality of the Internet.There is a good system of discounts and various promotions that make the already not expensive tariff plans cheaper.The speed is as it should be stated in the tariff. Excellent ping. Fast, competent and polite support in case of any ambiguities.Interruptions and interruptions of communication are not observed.There are deferred payment or vacation functions and a large number of additional options.Overall, I am very satisfied with the provider. And I recommend to everyone who has not connected yet or would like to switch to something more reliable or profitable from another provider.Contract number: 94578.

Review №90

Has been connected to Et - Home for 7 years, the connection is excellent, payment reminder. If any problems arise, they are solved very quickly. Easy to get through.

Review №91

We have been using EtHome services for a long time and are very satisfied. Reasonable prices for the Internet and television, there are almost always favorable promotions both for new subscribers and for those already connected. The responsive call center, by the way, is round-the-clock, the operators response time is fast, rarely when I waited more than a minute.An absolutely unobtrusive provider, they dont call every month, they dont impose anything.

Review №92

The Internet has been stable for many years, and TV via a set-top box is bad (failures and brakes). The downside is that it is not realistic to call technical support (waiting more than 25 minutes and call reset). We changed the site .. now there is no entrance to the personal account with saved password and when trying to recover the password, it says that the system cannot identify the user (nonsense).

Review №93

I have been using the services of Et Home for 12 years, everything is fine: the speed is normal, if a failure occurs, then they quickly fix everything

Review №94

For more than 10 years we have been using the data of providers, I have not found absolutely any drawbacks, even if there were some problems in the network, everything was solved quite quickly

Review №95

We have been using Et Home services for more than 9 years, the best provider, 24/7 support, Internet speed is always at the level, the best price / quality ratio, interesting offers in the form of subscriptions and various presentations for regular customers. Very good provider, I recommend it to everyone!

Review №96

A really reliable provider, the speed corresponds to the declared one, good discounts and promotions please, I recommend!

Review №97

Excellent Internet, convenient subscription system, in which case they promptly solve problems or prompt)

Review №98

Fast uninterrupted Internet, at the promised 100 Mbit / s, the speed is almost always close to this value. During the period of use for half a year, I never had any problems, technical support responds immediately, I am satisfied with the Internet!

Review №99

Excellent provider, the speed is even higher than that which should be provided for the tariff, low ping in games! excellent support who is ready to help you fix your computer problems 24 hours a day!

Review №100

I have been using the At-home provider for a year now. Im happy with everything. Stable internet, good speed, polite and helpful service. Convenient website and personal account. Flexible system of discounts. Generally. no complaints. Thanks for the job

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