Beautiful and trendy authentic models for bags. the consultant helped with the choice of bags. It is nice that there are very comforting employees here.
Great customer service and repairs service. Very knowledgeable and world traveled employees.
Exemplary Service by Mr Christopher HardingI am deeply, deeply grateful to the exemplary service provided by Mr Christopher Harding in replacing both wheels of my Tumi Bag model 22441SPH yesterday. The replacement requires a lot of skills and back-breaking twists and, Mr Harding persisted and continued to check every detail to ensure that it is done very well. I’m totally amazed at his diligence and passion in his job. It is way beyond my wildest expectation as it is rare for any service staff to be even doing the basic level of service with some level of passion into their job nowadays. I hope the management can provide their staff a proper chair or stool while they do repairs because it’s really back-breaking as I watched Mr Harding do the replacement.This is definitely the store I’ll buy my Tumi bags from now on.
Nice store with good collection. Very warm reception by the staff.
Was good experience. Polite staff
Drop nY with a friend to shop for a backpack made from parachute material.
Finally Tumi store in Seattle!
Friendly not to be neglected by each guest.